Employee Spotlight: renee Victory

Starting off the new month with an Employee Spotlight that needs no spotlight as she shines bright and is dazzling to all! We chose Renee for this month’s spotlight – perfectly timed as it is her birthday month!!! Learn more about this shining star!

What is Your Role at Magnolia Homes?

My role is a New Home Sales Specialist/Affiliate Broker representing Magnolia Homes’ Oak Hill community.

How long have you been at Magnolia Homes?!

I have been a part of the Magnolia Homes’ family for almost 4 years.

Share Your Favorite Part About your day-to-day!

It’s so hard to narrow down just one favorite part because I am so blessed that I truly love what I do! I guess I would have to say my favorite part is building relationships with our buyers while helping them build their dream homes. But, I also thoroughly enjoy the opportunities to collaborate with all of the various Magnolia Homes’ team members along the way to ensure our buyers have the absolute best possible experience both pre-closing and post-closing!

Favorite Lunch Spot?

I love ALL Italian food! I could honestly eat it every single day!!!!

What is Your Go-to Coffee Order?

I am not much of a coffee girl! But, I can drink a route 44 unsweetened iced tea in less than 5 minutes!!

What Are Your Hobbies Outside of Work?

I tend to be a total workaholic, but when I am not working, I enjoy spending time with my family—especially my precious grandkids!!!

Share A Silly or Sweet Work Memory!

The Oak Hill homeowners are some of the sweetest folks I have ever met in my life! When I had surgery about a year ago, at least 15 of these precious families were checking on me almost every day, bringing me flowers/get well cards to my home, and offering to carry meals to me. Most of the precious kiddos in this community refer to me as “Aunt Renee”. I have so many sweet memories with these Oak Hill homeowners!!!

If you were stranded on a deserted island and you were able to choose one coworker to be stranded with, who would you choose and why?

If I were stranded on a deserted island and could only choose one coworker, I would have to choose Whitney. Her “wise beyond her years” creative problem-solving skills would be extremely helpful for day-to-day survival on this island, and her ability to always find the good in all situations would be a great morale booster. But, I am pretty confident that my husband, Mike, would rescue us pretty quickly utilizing all of his prior Special Agent training haha!!

Renee, these were so much fun to read! Thank you for sharing! We’re so grateful for all of your hard work and dedication to the MH team!